
Copyright and Trademark Notice

Transworld Resources
Copyright© and Trademark Notice ®T
Transworld Resources Limited and its associated and related companies and corporations ("we", "us", "our" and "Transworld Resources ")
TM Trade mark of Transworld Resources

® Registered trade mark of Transworld Resources
© Transworld Resources

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1. Copyright Notice
The Transworld Resources website ("Transworld Resources Website") contains software, design, text, images, words and graphics which are owned or licensed by us and protected by copyright under the Copyright Act 1991 ( Isle of Man) and the laws of the United Kingdom and other international treaties, conventions and laws governing protection of the same (“Legislation”).

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2. Trade Mark Notice
This site includes registered trade marks and trade marks which are the subject of pending applications or which are otherwise protected by law including, but not limited to the word "Transworld Resources", "Transworld Resources " and any variation thereof, the Transworld Resources logo and device Logo and including those associated with any Services or Projects featured on the site (collectively referred to as the "Marks”).
You may not at any time or for any purpose use the Marks or the names “Transworld Resources”, "Transworld Resources " or “Transworld Resources of Companies".

3 Linking to third party sites
The Transworld Resources Website may at times contain or feature links to third party sites. The links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, any endorsement by Transworld Resources of the third party site or the products or services or information provided therein. You access those third party sites and use the products and services and information made available at those third party sites solely at your own risk.

4 Framing
You must not frame any of the material appearing on the Transworld Resources Website except in accordance with Transworld Resources's Linking and Framing Policy or otherwise in accordance with Transworld Resources's prior written consent.

© Transworld Resources Limited 2014. All rights reserved.

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